Videographer Mary Lopez Completes Carrousel Video
with Arts and Science Council Grant

 Videographer Mary Lopez relates the story of the Shelby City Park Carrousel
Restoration project in a twenty-two minute video. The project is the result of a
competition Regional Artist Project Grant from the Arts and Science Council that Ms.
Lopez applied for and received. The 1997 video, called "Restoring the Dream", combines
videotaped footage of the restored carrousel figures, interviews with people
involved in the project, historical still photos, and vintage 8 mm movie footage with
a musical track that moves from carrousel band organ music to classical oboe pieces.

Cleveland County Fair manager Joe Goforth tells of working with J.S. "Doc"
Dorton and how his contacts as the original fair manager and promoter helped him find the
carrousel in 1951.  Two major banks of the period, First National Bank and Union Trust Co. had
donated money for it. Other interviews include Fain Hamrick, Parks and
Recreation Director for the City of Shelby; Terre Bullock, Shelby City Park Carrousel
Friends, Inc. President; Alice Johnson, volunteer Art Director of the project; David
Caldwell, woodcarver; and Tommy Forney, project director and City of Shelby employee
responsible for the restoration. Dr. Carol Moss Bridges and John Haskell relate their feelings about growing up with the merry-go-round as part of their childhood, and Mrs. Kathleen Hamrick tells of bringing her children to the park along with her sister's family.

"My goal was to produce a stylized documentary that was both informative and
artistic in its own right," Ms. Lopez says. "I am satisfied that our show provides an
interesting, educational experience. I believe strongly that individuals have a responsibility
to their community in terms of providing personal experience and talents for the enrichment
of others. This project has been my way of saying thanks to the carrousel Friends and
others for their efforts."

Mary Lopez is a graduate of Cleveland Community College's Communications
Curriculum.  She is active in community theater in addition to her job at Channel 33
Headline News. Ms. Lopez has made the video available to the Shelby City Park Carrousel
Friends, Inc. for distribution and sale as part of ongoing restoration, educational and fund
raising efforts. The price per copy is $10.00 in the Carrousel Gift Shop.

This project was made possible in part by a grant from the North Carolina Arts
Council, a state agency, the Arts & Science Council-Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Inc., and the
arts councils of Anson, Cabarrus, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Rowan, Stanly,
Union, and York counties.

 Contact:  Tommy Forney  704/484-6476
 or Mary Lopez  704/482-6397

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